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Thursday, 12 November 2015

Philosophical Foundation of Education

Unknown - November 12, 2015


  • 1.The aim of all education,of all training,should be man making-Swami Vivekanand.
  • 2.We need life building, man making, character-making assimilation of ideas-Swami vivekanand.
  • 3.It is man making education all around that we want-Swami Vivekanand.
  • 4.Education is the manifestation if divihe perfection already existing in men-Swami Vivekanand.
  • 5.Education is means for character formation and righteous living-Swami Vivekanand.
  • 6.True education beignsonly when a man turns from all external aids to the infinity with in and becomes,as it were,a nature source of original knowledge or a spring if brand of new ideas-Swami Ram Tirth.
  • 7.Education is that which makes one,s life in harmony with all exitence and thus enables the mind to find the ultimate truth which gives us wealth of inner light and love and gives significance of life –Rabindra Nath Tagore.
  • 8.Education is self realization and service to the people-Guru Nanak Dev.
  • 9.Whom can we call bad,whom good,when we saw the same God within all and the master has revealed this truth to us-Guru Nanak Dev.
  • 10.Education is the true sence is helping the individual to be mature and free,to flower greatly in love and goodness.That is what we should be interested in,and not in shaping the child according to some idealistic pattern- J.Krishnamurti.
  • 11.A mind that has merely been trained is contitinuation of the past and such a mind can never discover the new to find out what is right education,we will nave to inquire into the whole significance if living-J.Ksishnamurti.
  • 12.Education is the realization of the self-Shankaracharya.
  • 13.Educations the debt due from the present to future generation-T.Raymont. s
  • 14.Educatiopn is the process of development from infancy to maturity,the process by which he adapts himself gradually in various ways to his phycial and spiritual environment-T.Raymot.
  • 15.It is really life that educates one is educated by one,s vocation,by home life,by friendship,by marriage,byparenthood,by recreation,by travel and so forth-T.Raymont.
  • 16.By education,I meant all round drawing out the best in child and man-body,mind and spirit-Mahatama Gandhi.
  • 17.The troubles of the whole world including India are due to the fact that education has become a mere intellectual exercise and not the acquisition of moral and spiritual values-Dr.Radha Krishan.
  • 18.Education is the process of the individual mind,getting to its full possible development-Dr.Zakir Hussain.
  • 19.Education means the bringing out the ideas of universal validity which are latent in the mind of every man.-Socrates.
  • 20.The aim of education is to dispel error and to discover truth-Socrates.
  • 21.If one is to be creative member of society,one must not only sustain one,s own growth,but contribute something to the growth of society-Hymayun Kabir.
  • 22.Education is a dynamic process which in its totality changes with the changing situations and developihg circumstances.-Humayun Kabir.
  • 23.Educated men are as superior as living are to dead-Aristotle.
  • 24.Education is the creation of a sound mind in a sound body.It developes man,s faculty especially his mind so that he may be able to enjoy the contemplation of supereme truth,goodness and beauty of which perfect happiness essentially consists-Aristotle.
  • 25.Education means traning for the country and love for Nation-Kautilya.
  • 26.Human education means the training which one gets from nature-Panini.
  • 27Education is something which makes a man self reliant and selfless-Rigveda.
  • 28.Education has been understood as something the end product of which is Salvation-Upanishads.
  • 29.Education is that which makes a man of good character and useful to the world-Yajnavalkya.
  • 30.Only the educated are free-Epictetus.
  • 31.The educatipn constitutes the special environment real factor whose function is to lead the child nearer reality,to guide him towards his utmost possible perfection-Ross.
  • 32.The aim of education is the development of a valuable personality and spiritual individuality-Ross.
  • 33.Like a magnet,education must have two poles-Ross
  • 34.Education is gymnastics for the body and music for the mind-Plato.
  • 35.The unexamined life is not worth living-Plato.
  • 36.Edocation is the capability to feel pleasure and pain at the right moment.It developes in the body and in the soul of the pupil all the perfection which he is capable of –Plato.
  • 37.Education does not mean teaching people what they do not know.It means teaching them to behave as they do not behave-Ruskin.
  • 38.Education means development of self contment-Kannada.
  • 39.Education is man’s going forward from cocksure ignorance to thoughtful uncertainly-Keenth.G.Johnsan.
  • 40.Education should make an individual vocationally self-dfependent,intellectually vocationally self-depehdent, intellectually mature,socially efficient,culturally refihed, morallyvirtuous and spiritually advances-Dr.R.N.Safaya.
  • 41.Education is helping the growing soul to draw out that is in itself-Aurobindo Ghosh.
  • 42.Life is education and education is life-Lodge.
  • 43.Education is complete living-Spencer.
  • 44.Education begins with life-Franklin.
  • 45.Education is the cheap defence of nations-Burke.
  • 46.A democracy is more than a form of government,it is primarily a mode of assiciared living,a conjoint communicated experience-John Dewey.
  • 47.School is a special environment where a certain quality of life and certain types of activities and occupations are provided with the object of securing child’s development along desirable lines-John Dewey.
  • 48.Education is the development of all those capacities in the individual wgich will enable him to control his environment and fulfil his possibilities-John Dewery.
  • 49. Education is a tripolar process.All education proceeds by the participation of the individual in the social consciousness of the race-John Dewery.
  • 50. Education is the orgnaisation of acquired habits of conduct,or actions and tendencies of behavior such individual to his physial and social environment-William James.
  • 51.The realization of all the possibilities of human growth and development is education-Francis W.Parker.
  • 52.Education is the conscious and deliberate process in which one personality acts upon another in order to modify the development of the other by the communication and manipulation of knowledge.-John Adams.
  • 53.Education is a bipolar process-John Adames.
  • 54.The attainment of a sound mind in a sound body is the end of education.-John Locke.
  • 55.Education should help the child to adjust himself phycially and mentally to his environment and to the changing circumstances of life.-Lemark.
  • 56.Man is greater than any system of thought-Conficus.
  • 57.Education makes a people easy to lead,but difficult to drive,easy to govern,but impossible to inslave- Lord Budda.
  • 58.Observation more than books, experience rather than persons,are the prime educators-A.B.Aclott.
  • 59.I believe in democracy because it releases the energies of every human being-Woodrow Wilson.
  • 60.Since wars begin in the minds if men,it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed-UNESCO.
  • 61.Non formal education is one which is imparted through organization and institution outside the formal education institutions-Coombs.
  • 62.High aims from high characters and great objects bring out great minds-Tyron Edwards.
  • 63.Everything is good as it comes from the hands of Author of Nature,but everything degenerates in the hands of man.God makes all things good.Man meddles with them and they become evil-Rousseau.
  • 64.Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge,belief,art,morals,law,custom and any capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society-E.B.Taylor.
  • 65.National integration is a psychological and educational process involving the development of a feeling of unity,solidarity and cohesion in the hearts of people,a sence of common citizenship and a feelihg of loyalty to the Nation-National Intergration Confrence Report,1961.
  • 66.Adolescence is the age of great ideas and the beginning of theorics as well as the time of simple adaptation to reality-Jean Peaget.
  • 67.All men are born as human beigns need education because they are destined to be realmen,not wild beasts,dull animals and clumps of wood-Comenius.
  • 68.Education is the natural,harmonious,and progressive developmentof man’s innate powers-Pestalozzi.
  • 69.Education is unfoldment of what process enfolded in the germ.It is the process through the child makes internal and external.-Frobel.
  • 70.Education is the complete development of the individuality of the child so that he can make an original contribution to human life according to the best if his capacity.-T.P.Nunn.
  • 71.Education is the influence of the environment on the individual with a view to producing a permanent change in his habits,behaivour,of thought and of attitude.-Thompson.
  • 72.Education is the deliberate and systematic influence exerted by the mature person upon the immature,through instruction,discipline and harmonius,development of physical intellectual,aesthetic,social and spiritual powers of human being,according to the individual and social needs and directed towards the union of educated with his creation as the final end.-Reddin.
  • 73.Education is the transmission of life by the living to the living.-Edward Thrilg.
  • 74.There is only one subject matter of education and that is life in all its manifestations.-A.N.Whitehead.
  • 75.Growth must be towards an ideal human character.-H.H.Horne.
  • 76.Education is purposeful and ethical activity hence it is unthinkable without aims.-Riulin.
  • 77.Without the knowledge of aims,education is like a sailor who does not know his goal or his destination and child is like rudderless vessel which will be drifted along somewhere ashore.-B.D.Bhatia.
  • 78.Be proud that you are an Indian,proudly claim I am an Indian every Indian is my Brother-Vivekanda.
  • 79.Geni us is one percent inspiration and nineteen percent perspiration.-Thomas adison.
  • 80.The greatest remendy for anger is delay.-L.A.Seneca.
  • 81.If everybody minded their own business the world would would go round a great deal faster than it does-Lewis Carroll.
  • 82.Advice is judged by results,not by intentions-Cicero.
  • 83.Every man’s affairs,however little,are important to himself-Samuel Johnsan.
  • 84.The individual must die so that India may live.Today I must die so that India may win freedom and glory.
  • 85.It is an unfortunate fact that we can secure peace only by preparing for war.-John.K.Kennedy.
  • 86.He who can not prevent a crime which he can,encourages it.-Seneca.
  • 87.God,as some cynic has said,is always on the side which has the best football coach.-Heywood Brown.
  • 88.Take care to get what you like,or you will forced to like what you get.-Georage Bernaral Shaw.
  • 89.There is no future in any job,the future lies in the man who holds the job.-G.W.Crane.
  • 90.Impossibilty:a word only to be found in the dictionary of fools.-Napoleon Bonaparte.
  • 91.The difficult is that which can be done immediately;The impossible is that which takes a little longer.-George Santayana.
  • 92.The crisis of yesterday is the joke of tommorow.-H.G.Wells.
  • 93.To the timid and hesitating every thing is impossible because it seems so.-Walter Scot.
  • 94.A failure establishes only this,that our determination to succeed was not strong enough.-Bovee.
  • 95.If all our misfortunes were laid in common heap,whence every one must take an equal poirtion,most people would be content to take their own and depart.-Socrates.
  • 96.God give us grace to accept with serenty the things that can not be changed,courage to change the thihg which should be changed,and the wisedom to distinguish the one from the other.-Reinhold Neibuhr.
  • 97.Those are not the best students who are most dependent on books.What can be got out from them is at best only material;A man must build his house for himself.-G.Machdoland.
  • 98.The way to wealth is an plan as the way to market.It depends chiefly on two words,industry and frugality,that is waste neither time nor money;but make the best use of both.Without industry and frugality,nothing will do,and with them everything.-Frasnklin.
  • 99.Superstition is the religion of feeble minds-Edmund Burke.
  • 100.Despise death and you have conquered every fear.-Publilius.
  • 101.Education has produced a vast population able to read out unable to distinguish what is worth readihg.-G.M.Trevelyan.
  • 102.Being born,we die;our end is the conseqence of our beginning.-Manilius.
  • 103.I never met a man I didn’t like.-Will Rogers.
  • 104.The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent full of doubt-Bertrand Russel.
  • 105.Three passions,simple but overwhelmingly strong,have governed my life:the longing for love,the search for knowledge and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind-Bertrand Russel
  • 106.Temptation usually comes in through a door that has deliberately been left open-Arnold Glasow.
  • 107.Every man who knows how to read has it in his power to magnify,to multiply the ways in which he exists,to make his life full,significant and interestihg.-Aldous Huxely.


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